Easter Egg History.
Custom manufacture of Easter Eggs appears in Ukraine a very long time. About it we can get an idea archaeological excavation and discoveries of scientist. Given the fragility of the egg shell, the oldest egg was found in the Slavic land of painting belongs to the 10-11th century. Also in ancient graves were found eggs, made of stone, ceramics, ivory, gold, silver and bronze.
Our ancestors – Rusichi knew that chicken egg is short-lived, and, in order to save Pysanka and carry information through the centuries, they began to produce eggs from more durable materials.
According to specialists, the oldest Pysanka was built in the X century and the symbolic name is -“Bereginya”.
Each region of Ukraine has its own specific scene style, its own unique identity.
Mythical idea of egg entered in the Byzantine Literature
According to the testimony of John of Damascus, the sky, the Earth – all similar to the egg: the shell -like the sky, film – like clouds, protein – like water, egg yolk – as the earth.
To create a Pusanka need fire, water and bee wax.
Through the fire on the Pusanka is transferred with heat and light of the Sun. Fire is a manifestation of the sun of God on earth, the Ambassador of heaven on Earth.
The water is always is always respected, it is “Holy”, it is no case can split or defecate.
Of all the insects legends of the special aura surrounded by a bee, which in Ukraine is given the epithet of “Holy”. Bee called “God’s fly” and believed that it brings the wax from the Sun.